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Previously, in 1989, according to Anas Luthfi as one of the founding fathers of ALSA, ALSA LC UGM had been established but did not run well. ALSA’s footprints in the prestigious Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) can be traced as far back as the year 1993. The chapter of the history book was first written when student Novi Kooswardani Brotodiningrat spearheaded the establishment of ALSA Local Chapter UGM (ALSA LC UGM) during the 5th ALSA Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as Novi was the Chairperson of National Board of ALSA Indonesia. It is within her initiative that upon arrival in Yogyakarta, she went up to the student body council (BEM) and senate to immediately establish ALSA.
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