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Tinjauan Penerapan Regulasi Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE) Dalam Konteks Perlindungan Data Pribadi dan Persaingan Usaha


ALSA LC UGM's Research Team proudly presents a policy paper of “Examining the Implementation of Electronic Commerce Regulations (PMSE) in the Context of Personal Data Protection and Business Competition.” Based on the research we have conducted, there are several issues in the current practice of personal data protection and business competition. Based on the data we have collected, it is found that there is a significance of trading through the system so that there is a real urgency to regulate related procedures, requirements, prohibited matters, and other relevant rules in order to realize market conditions that support fair competition and legal certainty for business actors and consumers. To this need, the government responded by issuing Government Regulation No. 80/2019 on Trading Through Electronic Systems. However, when examined further, the regulation has not succeeded in resolving several fundamental issues in trading through electronic systems. Hopefully, this Policy Paper Release can be useful for the development of law and the business world. It is also hoped that the public, academics, and practitioners can provide input on the policy paper that we have published.


This policy paper is brought to you by:
1. Adinda Atmim (Supervising Researcher);
2. Nicholas Aurelius (Leading Researcher);
3. Natasha Fortunita (Leading Researcher);
4. Amanda Rizkya (Leading Researcher);
5. Sarah Dwi Kautsar (Researcher);
6. Eugenia Felicia (Researcher);
7. Arvin Mahiro (Researcher);
8. Muhammad Andhika (Researcher);
9. Afiyah Arinda (Researcher);
10. Afita Safanisa (Researcher);
11. Rezaldi Vilentino (Researcher);
12. Dinda Maulidina (Researcher); and
13. Rafifah Erma (Researcher).


We are also collaborating with our well-known peer reviewer during the process of this policy paper:
1. Mohammad Reza, S.H., M.H. [Senior Expert of Legal Affairs to KPPU (The Indonesian Competition Commission)]
2. Deswin Nur, S.E., M.E. [Head, Bureau for Public Relations & Cooperation, Indonesia Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU)]
3. Alfatika Aunuriella Dini S.H., M.Kn., Ph.D (Asst. Professor at Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University)

Through this policy paper, we hope that the studies that we have done can be useful for the development of law and the world effort.


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