Director's Greetings
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb., Shalom, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of virtue to us all. First and Foremost, praise to the Almighty God if not for His blessings, ALSA LC UGM would not be able to step into another year of progressivity filled with amazing accomplishments, continuing its legacy as a home for hundreds of future leaders to develop their skills. My name is Marsa Albar as the Director of ALSA LC UGM board of 2023/2024 who has been entrusted to lead this year’s board together with all parts of the Local Board in our efforts to build and raise ALSA LC UGM which is worthy of being a place to develop hundreds of our members.
Entering its 31st year, ALSA LC UGM is one of 15 (fifteen) local chapters that remains as an active contributor to ALSA Indonesia which is joined by 18 (eighteen) other national chapters in ALSA International. ALSA LC UGM does not stop striving to develop the character of its members into active, critical, and adaptive individuals by making the 4 Pillars of ALSA and the core values of ALSA LC UGM as our foundation.
This year, ALSA LC UGM focuses on developing and supporting the interests and needs gathered through data of members through useful activities that support self-development and member abilities. ALSA LC UGM supports all activities that can train the skills of hundreds of prospective legal practitioners both in academic and non-academic fields through various work programs and functions, modified in certain ways to ensure its adaptivity and relevancy to the needs of members in the modern era. In addition, ALSA LC UGM is always engaged in efforts to improve the soft and hard skills of its members, including providing broad exposure through collaborations with a variety of external parties.
To reach the aforementioned goals and to remain informative to all parties, we proudly welcome you to our revamped website where information about ALSA LC UGM throughout the years and current activities can be found. I would like to send my deepest gratitude to our beloved members, respectful alumni, and all parties who have contributed to the development of ALSA LC UGM for their support. We hope visitors of our website are able to feel welcomed, sense the love and gratitude sent all the way to you from Yogyakarta. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb., Shalom, Om Santi Santi Santi Om, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of virtue to us all.
Jointly Advance, Legally Enhance
ALSA, Always be One!

Marsa Azzahra Ratu Mariqal Albar
Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) is a non-profit, non-political organization that aims to connects law students from the corners of Asia. As an organization that includes 18 national chapters, ALSA has been a melting pot for various culture throughout Asia since its founding over 31 years ago. With the sheer number of national chapters that joined ALSA, the organization has connected around 12.000 students Asia-wide.
Asian Law Students’ Association

Constantly play an active role and try to raise awareness and solutions of legal issues in the society
Constantly play an active role and try to raise awareness and solutions of legal issues in the society

Optimizing efforts to develop human resources at ALSA LC UGM both in terms of quality and quantity

Building a good network of cooperation in local, national and international scope based on the principle of equality and mutual respect

Explore and develop the potential of Members and/or other parties

Constantly play an active role and try to raise awareness and solutions of legal issues in the society



The Four Pillars of ALSA
Which was built and continue to cherish upon.





Core Values
The value of familial bond in ALSA LC UGM is the conscious or unconscious trust-building to strengthen and unite the members of ALSA LC UGM. Implicitly, this familial bond also encourages the implementation of other positive values, such as responsibility and mutual assistance.
The value of professionalism serves as the foundation of ALSA LC UGM, representing a set of skills, good judgment, and polite behavior expected from an individual, with the aim that members can navigate all aspects of their lives while upholding these values.
Time Management is one of the values highly upheld by the members of ALSA LC UGM with the aim of enabling members to utilize their time effectively and efficiently to enhance the productivity of various ongoing activities.
Priority scale is one of the values that members of ALSA LC UGM must possess in order to prioritize needs according to their respective levels of importance. Members are expected to understand the essence of each activity they participate in to truly comprehend the benefits provided by each activity.

ALSA LC UGM | In Numbers


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