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Rapat Pimpinan Nasional ALSA Indonesia 2016

Rapat Pimpinan Nasional (RAPIMNAS) is the first national chapter event by the current national chapter committee of 2016-2017. This year, the committee has chosen the theme of “Leadership” with the tagline: “To an Arrantly Veritable ALSA, Forge Sterling Generation, Further Determined Progression.”

RAPIMNAS is an series of national-level meetings, held by the National Board of ALSA Indonesia to inaugurate the elected board members and discuss the programmes soon to be held by the elected board. This event was attended by all 13 local chapters, observers, and incoming national board members.

The event included the following agenda: the presentation of accountability report from the 13 local chapters, tenders for national and international events, and the fit and proper test for international board member candidates. This event lasted for 3 days and 2 nights.

On the first day, the event was preceded by the participant registration and opening ceremony in Room 3.1.1 of Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Law. The opening ceremony began with the singing of the national anthem, Indonesia Raya, as well as the ALSA anthem, and then followed by greetings from Abhirama Haidar as the Project Officer of the event, Javas Mesa Briantama as the Director of ALSA LC UGM, Azman Rishad as the President-elect of ALSA Indonesia, Syahbanu Austin as the representative of ALSA International, and Agung Pratama as the Head of Dewan Mahasiswa Justicia Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Law. The opening ceremony video was then presented and the placement of the Director pin for the 2016-2017 period. The event was then followed up with a special performance by Alfonsus Bergas, revealing his monologue. This powerful performance aimed to strengthen the spirit, determination, and purpose of ALSA Indonesia as well as to gently remind how the events of ALSA Indonesia should have a meaning to the Indonesian people.

After the opening ceremony, the participants proceeded to the meeting location, Disaster Oasis Hotel, Kaliurang.

The first event lined up during the meeting was the presentation of the accountability report from the 13 local chapters of ALSA Indonesia, followed by the presentation of progress of the ongoing programmes of ALSA Indonesia.

The second event was the fit and proper test of candidates for the upcoming International Board period of 2016-2017 and tender for international events.

On the second day, the second event continued until an agreement was reached.

The next event was the inauguration of National Board members period 2016-2017, performance report of the incoming national board and meeting to discuss the blueprints of the upcoming projects held by the National Board in the one year of the committee period.

The meeting, being held respectfully, wisely and simply, was concluded by dawn on the third day.

The third day was the resting period for all participants before the closing ceremony and lunch at Tengkleng Gadjah which concluded the event. All participants returned to their homes after the successful event.

Hopefully, the valuable lessons learned this fruitful event could be shared among the pillars of ALSA Indonesia.

“To an Arrantly Veritable ALSA, Forge Sterling Generation, Further Determined Progression.”

ALSA, Always be One!

Abhirama Haidar Hanif – Project Officer RAPIMNAS ALSA Indonesia 2016

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