ALSA Legal Discussion I
On April 5, 2017, LC ALSA ALSA UGM has been successfully implementing the Legal Discussion discussing the issue of violence against...
ALSA Legal Discussion merupakan kegiatan tahunan dari ALSA LC UGM dan termasuk ke dalam Program Kerja Law Development Division yang telah...
Rapimnas ALSA 2017
Rapat Pimpinan Nasional (Rapimnas) adalah forum ALSA Indonesia yang dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari masing-masing Local Chapter dan...
ALSA Legal English Workshop
On Thursday, May 13th 2016, ALSA Legal English Workshop: Contract Drafting and Representing Big Companies was held in Atrium Hotel...
ALSA Movie Session 2017
The latest ALSA Movie Session was held on Wednesday, May 10th 2017. A combination of entertainment and provider, students gather to watch...
ALSALYMPIC merupakan sebuah program kerja yang diampu oleh divisi Internal Affairs, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran diri...
Antasari Azhar v. SBY: Grudge Match for the Truth of a Cold Case
From his career as the Head of State Attorney of South Jakarta in 2001 to his ascend—and later descend—as the Chairman of Corruption...
ALSA Legal Class
Pada 25 April 2017, ALSA LC UGM mengadakan sebuah acara ALSA Legal Class, acara ini mengusung konsep workshop dan diperuntukkan mahasiswa...
Ratification Urgency of the Refugee Convention and its Protocol in Indonesia
Indonesia has become one of the most sought-after landing-places for refugees and asylum seekers.[1] By the end of January 2012,...
Unsur Legalitas Pada Kasus Penodaan Agama Basuki T. Purnama
“Barang siapa di muka umum menyatakan perasaan permusuhan, kebencian atau penghinaan terhadap suatu atau beherapa golongan rakyat...