Organizing Leadership and Management of ALSA 2017

OLMA ALSA LC UGM was held 3 days on 8th September 2017 until 10th September 2017 at Faculty of Law and Losmen Anoman, Parangtritis. OLMA Day 1 was held on 8th September 2017. The focus of OLMA day 1 is to make the participants of OLMA LC UGM 2017 become more interested in ALSA and to get to know ALSA better. The speakers of OLMA Day 1 were Leonardo Wigen as Director of ALSA LC UGM, Raissa Yurizzahra as Alumni of ALSA LC UGM, Bagir Bahana and Elroy Ivander as National Board of ALSA Indonesia. Director and National Board talked about the structure of organization, the programs in ALSA Local Chapter UGM and ALSA Indonesia. Alumni was talked about the benefits, what experiences that she got from ALSA and she also encouraged the participant to be active in ALSA, not only become the members of ALSA. She said ALSA would not give you any experiences and values. After the sharing session, all of the participants were gathered on the field and then they were notified about the group and the guide of each group.
OLMA Day 2 started with one of the most anticipated part of the event, Amazing Race. By 7:30 AM, each group with their respective guide started the Amazing Race at Faculty of Law with the given clues from the Board of Directors. The future members of ALSA LC UGM ran from the Faculty to the Grha Sabha Pramana to find their next clues to go next. The posts in the Amazing Race are the representatives of the 6 division in ALSA LC UGM. Each post gives out a different task respective to the division they represent. After Grha Sabha Pramana, the groups raced to the post placed near Gramedia and from there, they go to the most popular landmark in Yogyakarta, Tugu Yogyakarta, then they’re head out to Joglo at the end of Malioboro Street. The groups then head out to Malioboro street and find the next post located at the Yogyakarta Regional Representative of the People. The next post was nearby, specifically the Gedung Agung building located at Malioboro street as well. Gedung Agung was the second last post in the Amazing Race in which the last post or the finish line of the Amazing Race is Alun Alun. The Board of Directors of ALSA LC UGM awaits between the two banyan trees of Alun Alun to congratulate on their finish.
The race ended and the groups get their lunch at Kauman Great Mosque before heading out to Losman Anoman, Parangtritis. After arriving at Losman Anoman, they are given time to rest and the committee prepares for the Forum Simulation. The future members of ALSA LC UGM participated well in the Forum Simulation which resulted in an extension of the time intended for the Forum Simulation. The Forum Simulation continues with time for rest and prayer and is then continued to another anticipated part of OLMA, bonfire and performance from each group. The groups showed creativity and had a time to remember seeing the groups performed accordingly to the countries given to them on the first day. The performance got a well-deserved ending with the guides from each group performing together and they received the applause they deserve. Another day of OLMA ends with the participants resting after a long and tiring day to get them well rested for the next day.
The last day of OLMA start early in the morning. After having Alumni Session at night and a peaceful bedtime, all participants getting ready and gathered in the hall. The first event is introduction from Alumni, Staff, Local Board and Board of Director of ALSA LC UGM. To get to know each other better, the next event is having breakfast with Alumni, Local Board and Board of Directors. The participants made a group of 6 people with one big Nasi Tumpeng, then each group should ask an Alumni, a Local Board and one of the Board of Directors to eat and share their experiences with the group. After that, each participant receives their Letter of Acceptance and getting ready to go to the beach to attend the Closing. In the beach, all participants play leadership and teamwork game. After that, the participants and committee gathered and make a big circle and holding each other hands. The participants then sang ALSA Anthem and the participants went back to Losman Anoman and went home by bus.