ALSA Crushbone Debating Competition is an annual English debate competition. On its 13th year of execution, it was held concerning the “Crime and Justice in a World with No Limit”. ALSA Crushbone Debating Competition Version 13 covers two main objectives, namely to increase sensitivity to social issues and educate the young generation in order to create briliant potentials to compete in the field of work. ACDC Version 13 was held on Friday, 1st November 2019 until Sunday, 3rd November 2019 at The Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
On 1st November, 2019, the event started with the Opening Ceremony with a national seminar on the theme of “Deconstructing Defamation and Cyber Crime through the Looking Glass of Indonesian Law No. 11 of 2008”. The Speakers are Muhammad Fatahillah Akbar, S. H., LL. M., Cut Datin Imanal Putri, S.H., and AKBP. Yulianto BW, S. Sos. After the Opening Ceremony, the event then followed with Adjudicating Seminar, and Adjudicating accreditation test.
The preliminary rounds started on 2nd November 2019, then followed by a Breaking Night which was held at The Amphi Theater of The Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The Quarter-Final, Semi-Final, and The Grand Final was held on 3rd November 2019, which then followed with The Closing Ceremony. You can watch the event review through our youtube channel: