ALSA Care & Legal Coaching Clinic 2019

ALSA Care and Legal Coaching Clinic is an annual social event held by all national chapters of ALSA Indonesia. This year, ALSA LC UGM’s theme is “Your Rights to Healthcare: Responsive to the Sexual and Reproductive Health Crisis”. CLCC was held on Saturday, 16th November 2019 until 17th November 2019.
On the first day, 16th November, three main agendas were held. First, there was Fun Bike where the participants along with a few representatives from Rifka Annisa biked from Gelanggang Mahasiswa to The 101 Yogyakarta Tugu. After Fun Bike, a social campaign was held as the participants conveyed our theme to the people in the streets, asking for their opinions and support as they sign a banner. After the social campaign, a talkshow with 4 amazing speakers;
1.Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, SH, LLM (HR), PhD (Dosen Hukum Pidana Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada)
2.Arief Ash-Shiddiq (Co-Producer and Story Editor, Dua Garis Biru)
3.Lucia Peppy Novianti, S. Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog (Founder dan CEO Wiloka Workshop
4.dr. Prahesti Fajarwati (Kepala Seksi Kesehatan Keluarga dan Gizi Dinas Kesehatan DIY)
On the second day, 17th November, the participants and committee went to Desa Sidoharjo where first, two main agendas went on at the same time; legal counselling for the adults with 3 amazing speakers;
1.drg. Hunik Rimawati, M.Kes (Kepala Bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat Dinas Kesehatan Kulon Progo)
2.Andrean Sandi Wicaksono (Wakil Ketua Pengurus PKBI Cabang Kulon Progo)
3.Dr. Rimawati, S.H., M.Hum. (Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada)
and educational activities for the children such as learning how to wash hands and brush their teeth properly. Sunat Massal for the children of Desa Sidoharjo which was done successfully alongside with General Checkup for the adults after the legal counselling were executed after. you can access the event review on our youtube channel: you could also access the documentation of this event on the link below: